Jake Cunningham Stories
Auld Lang Syne
We two who've paddled in the streamFrom morning sun 'til nightThe seas between us roared and swelled . . .
In The Shelter Of Each Other The People Live
“Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine.” "In The Shelter of Each Other The People Live." . . .
"I would recognize you in total darkness, Were you mute and I deaf.I would recogni . . .
Do You Hear What I Hear
December 2023: With apologies to family and friends, I haven't participated in the Christmas s . . .
A Trip to New York
Last weekend my niece, my nephew, and my brother came to New York to help my niece, who’s name is . . .
Ball of Confusion
Many say that a picture's worth a thousand words. At History Chip, we prefer to think that it's wor . . .
To Appreciate Life
The center is holding. In a direct rebuke to WB Yeats (1), the center is holding. The falcon hears . . .
This essay was originally posted last autumn, shortly before the midterm election. Intended to motiv . . .
Genesis Verde
I hear you singing in the wiresI can hear you though their whine...And the Wichita Lineman, Is still . . .
Beat Swords Into Ploughshares
In mid September 2009 I Took a Drive to DC to buy a car from my cousin. We celebrated the purchase . . .
Beating Swords Into Ploughshares
Please click on the audio strip\'s arrow to listen to a beautiful rendition of the Battle Hymn of th . . .
Mom's New Car
Dear Reader, I hope you enjoy this modest story of love and hard work, one of countless that, consid . . .

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