Every day each of us experiences thousands of things, small or big, and each is a story.

These short or mundane daily experiences may not make it to the headline news. But your experiences and stories are the legacy that will draw your children and grandchildren closer and feel a sense of connection and understanding of who they are.

Close your eyes and see your grandparents, 50 years ago, eating their breakfast, stepping onto the bus to go to work, reading the evening paper, laughing with friends at the local pub. 

It’s the little stories that bring life into focus, create a sense of belonging and make history more complete. 

What clothes we wear is a story. What we eat is a story. How we communicate is a story. All these stories complete our larger story.

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Why HistoryChip?

Your Story Is The Most Powerful Way To Connect With Yourself And Others

History skips over the voices of most of us, focusing instead on the narratives of the powerful.

At History Chip, we're changing that!

Jean, the founder, believes everyone deserves to be seen, heard, and represented. This platform, with the ease of TikTok and the weight of a sort of Wikipedia of history, lets you share your unfiltered story in text or video. It’s simple, it’s immediate, and it respects every voice. We aim to expose the world to as many perspectives as possible.

•Share your experiences • Connect with others • Shape our shared history

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Imagine the voices of women, people of color, LGBTQ, displaced and other marginalized people taking their places in history. Imagine a history where the stories of life in all countries and communities are treated equally, and no one is left out.

History Chip is building this inclusive history with your help and your voices. 

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World Music Day, or Fête . . .

World Music Day, or Fête de la Musique Fête de la Musique, or Faites de la Musique, Music Day . . .

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Hometown Histories: Perso . . .

I live in a small town. Thirty-five hundred people, give or take. What do we love about small towns? . . .

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Why we tell our stories. . . .

I come from a very big family. Christmas was a wonderful event. It was the one time in the year that . . .

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Frequently Asked Questions

You may think you don't have a story, but every person's life story is worth sharing. Think about what you would like your grand-children to know about you. Your experiences will be fascinating to future generations.

Stories can be short or long. It might only take a sentence or two to share a detail from your life, or you might have a long story to share. Either way, it’s about the story, not about how long it is.

Stories can be text, audio or video. We recommend writing out your copy and copy/paste it into our story template. Audio and video files can be uploaded into the story template. You can also add photographs to your story to help draw readers to your story.

Stories on History Chip build truth into history. AND, our stories are there for our children and our children’s children. Imagine your grandchildren reading what it was like for all of us to live through COVID or 9/11.

If you are registered and logged in, you can comment or like any story at the end of the story. Happy reading!

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