Christmas Memories

It was early Christmas morning. We could hear giggling and knew the girls were waiting at the top of the stairs for everyone to awaken. This was the house rule - we all go down together to see what Santa had left. Harry would light the fireplace and we could start opening gifts while staying in our PJs and robes. There was lots of noise ad crackling of wrapping paper. Oh, be careful and save the beautiful paper! were the words from my mouth! It was a fun and lively time. Christmas dinner was special of course. Uncle Carsten came and brought lovely gifts too. The menu never varied. Standing rib roast, baked potato wrapped in holiday foil, creamed onions, pickled beets, creamed spinach molded in a wreath and a salad of tomato aspic. Dessert was always Angel Food Cake placed on a musical cake plate and we all sang Happy Birthday to the baby Jesus. Christmas holds many lovely memories for all of us except Joyce who said, I hated that aspic salad!

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