Elsie Johnson Stories
Let an Old Headline Trigger Your Memory
Topic: Let an Old Headline Trigger Your Memory I know you expected me to bring in an “old headli . . .
A Scary Experience
Do you believe in guardian angels? I do! My eldest daughter had to go to Columbia U. for a special e . . .
How “The War” Affected Our Family
There were always two brass shells from World War I that decorated our dining room buffet. These wer . . .
Smells that Evoke Memories
As we approached our house for lunch — we could smell the aroma of fresh baked bread and cinnamon . . .
I Was A Child Of The Depression Years
Born in 1921 My parents both were brought up on Kansas farms but after their marriage lived in Pe . . .
Keeping Food
Kept it in an ice box which had a drip pan that had to be emptied every day! The “Ice Man” wou . . .
House Cleaning
The only time my mother had household help was spring cleaning time. What a trauma! Everything was r . . .
Pearl Harbor Day
December 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor Day will always be in my memory! I had just started my nursing care . . .
Valentine Memories
It was a custom to have a Valentine Box in my elementary school. We would place our cards in the box . . .
An Achievement
Many families would take a Sunday afternoon drive for vacation. We had a 1930’s Willy’s Knight S . . .
Home Remedies
Home Remedies Do you remember when door-to-door salesmen were welcomed into your home? The Fuller B . . .
Haircuts and Hairstyles
Our father was the barber when we were young. We (the three of us) looked alike with the “Buster B . . .

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