December Memories

December brings myriad memories; trees and toys; scents and stockings; pretty clothes and parties; churches and carols; families and fun – and a special day just for me – my birthday! People said, Oh dear, too bad, it must be hard and so close to Christmas (it’s the week before) but I loved it! School was out; vacation started; houses were decorated; lights were lit; everything felt festive. As for presents, I fared better than most – poor child – we should give her something special – sort of 2 in 1 if you will. Christmas was – and is - pure magic, and somehow I felt I was part of it. One year my beloved, revered older brother invited me to a midnight service at a nearby church. We walked along the snowy streets and when we arrived I found he had surprised me – the service was mostly carols – the dear, old, familiar hymns (not Rudolph or Rock) and mostly sung by the congregation (not the choir) – best of all – he had researched it and knew how I would love it – just another gift but so special. My sister had to have a birthday in September! School was starting; vacation was over – no fancy fun times for her. I felt sorry for friends who celebrated their day in the hot, hazy days of summer. December birthdays are the best! How lucky am I to have one.
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