Jeanie Henry Stories


Rationing --- well a lot of it was about food but what I remember best was shoes! The first time I h . . .

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School Days -- Singing

Most people think of studies, teachers, friends, sports, games, etc. when remembering school days an . . .

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Street Sounds

When I was a kid we lived on a dead end street in Brooklyn – one could stand at the foot of the st . . .

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Vacations - 1930s

When I was a kid we were taken to a camp on the upper Ausable Lake in the Adirondacks for a few week . . .

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Wartime Wedding

Once upon a time, back in March 1944, I was rather suddenly, to be married on 10 days notice. It was . . .

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I grew up in the City, so don’t remember doing much of the fun stuff of winter like sliding and ou . . .

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About School 

About school – well actually I sort of like it. Not tests and homework and so on, but I was always . . .

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My Non-Job

In the Spring of 1942, I was finishing up my 3rd year of college. Pearl Harbor had taken place; the . . .

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I always loved to read

Title: I always loved to read   I always loved to read. As a kid I devoured the Burgess books – . . .

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Lost and Found

  When I graduated from high school, my mother gave me a beautiful ring – a ruby set in diamonds. . . .

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Moon Landing

Title: Moon Landing I think the event which most impressed me as an adult in a positive way, was the . . .

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My Love of Books

I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love to read. Of course I grew up before T.V. was invented . . .

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