Bob Grady Stories
Education and Jobs
How would you like to be graduating from college and looking for a job in today's market? Pretty sca . . .
1968 and Me
The year 1968 saw many horrendous events take place. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Bobby Kennedy were . . .
A Modest Proposal
With apologies to Jonathan Swift, I suggest the following modest proposal. There are many people who . . .
Coincidence? The sixties for me was a time of stabilizing my personal life. In 1960, I was twenty-ei . . .
The Color Green
My ancestors are mostly Irish. The color green seems to be associated with Ireland-especially aro . . .
World Changing Events in MY Childhood
I was nine that December day in 1941. I had been playing in the yard at 11 Gates Avenue in Waterbury . . .
There are some questions I would like to pose. They concern situations like the Boston Marathon, San . . .
Bull Fight
It was April, 1971, and I was in Madrid, Spain, with a group of teachers visiting on Spring Break. A . . .
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