Jeanne Peck Stories

Jenny, The Mister & the Christmas Tree

Ca 1925 – or so This is one of those well-worn, beloved family stories (all families have them) t . . .

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A Little Girl Celebrates Christmas

It was 7 AM Christmas morning. A light snow had fallen during the candlelight service the evening be . . .

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The Legend of Mitzi & the Copperhead

Ca. 1936 This is a story about a Boston Terrier named Mitzi. Actually, it had been intended that he . . .

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Health care delivery in the early 1930’s

Any child in the New York City neighborhood in which I grew up would have had to be very sick indeed . . .

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Charlotte and the Back Steps

ca 1936      The child was in the yard with her dog, Spotty, when she saw the man approach the f . . .

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