David Kulle Stories
What Independence Means to Me
It’s July 1st, 2024, and I just read today’s History Chip posting about notable historic events . . .
How Did We Make It to Adulthood?!
It was 1962, and I was 10 years old. My mother, father, brother and I were on our annual summer trip . . .
Lessons in Mortality
Thirty years ago, when I was around 40, I picked up a winter bug that had me on my back, seemingly w . . .
My Colonoscopy
Today I had a colonoscopy—at 70, my first. Many of my friends have undergone this “probing” pr . . .
A Dog of a Tale
It was 1966. My older brother SO wanted a dog! He had been researching breeds, planning how he’d t . . .
Finding the Elements of My Style
It was the first class on the first day of my freshman year at Hamilton College. The year was 1971. . . .
Finding the Elements of My Style
It was the first class on the first day of my freshman year at Hamilton College. The year was 1971. . . .
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