Facts about Lizy

This is written by my son when he was 7 year old right before his favorite pet left this planet earth. \r\n
1. Lizy is a bearded dragon.\r\n
2. Lizy is a male, approximately one year old.\r\n
3. It can grow up to 2 feet.\r\n
4. Lizy likes to eat mealworms and cricket.\r\n
5. Lizy likes to bask in the heat especially after eating.\r\n
6. Lizy comes from Australia ( And I thought, it came from pet store!)\r\n
7. In Australia, on cool days, Lizy can become dormant which means they sleep for 3 months. \r\n
8. It changes color to maintain body temperature ( hmmm, again, I thought it was to blend with surroundings).\r\n
9. Lizy can sleep while standing up (so can my husband)\r\n
10. Greens and lettuce are main source of water for Lizy. \r\n
I hope you feel fully educated with the ways of Lizy by now. He is no longer with us but he will live in our heart and stories forever. \r\n
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