Our last soccer match

Our senior year in high school, at the end of a miserable losing season. Back then, soccer season was in the fall, so we were winding up our last game in the cold of November. Into the final quarter, and we are trailing, as usual. The ball gets played back towards our goal and Mike L. (my trusty, reliable fullback for 3 seasons), rounds up the ball, then turns with it and looks back at me in goal. In the last game of our high school careers, he fires a bullet shot towards our own goal, which flies past me and into the net. I look around at him and he just gives me a shrug. It was, after all, the first and only goal he'd scored in his career.
Some years later, we were again in contact and, to this day, he disavows any recollection of how he wrapped up our season.
November 1970
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