2018 - A year that changed our lives

A story by Nehla



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"All the flights have been canceled for 7 days" they announced. I and my husband were looking at each other in shock. We were so excited to fly to the Maldives for our Honeymoon. We had no idea what was happening. We rushed outside of Kochin Airport (Kerala, India) and saw that the airport was surrounded by water. It was heavily raining for the past one week and most of the areas were flooded. The government stopped all the public transports and we were stuck. After a few hours, one of our relatives arranged a taxi and somehow we reached back home. By then, Our house was surrounded by water and there was no electricity. Water may enter the inside house anytime. So we moved to our cousin's home. They welcomed us and made us so comfortable. But we all were afraid. What if we lose our house? 

The next few days Kerala saw the biggest disaster. The rain didn't stop. Rivers were filled, people lost their lives and their homes. Camps were opened all around the state. Fishermans and helicopters came to rescue people from their houses. The whole state stood together and faced the disaster. We all were helpless but still helped each other to survive. People were donating food and clothes to the camp. So many bridges were collapsed and there was no way to reach many areas. 

After a couple of weeks, Rain stopped. But people couldn't go back to their homes. Houses and buildings were filled with mud, snakes, and fishes that the flood water bought. People came again together cleaning the houses and surroundings of their localities. Still, People needed basic things to survive. Everyone helped each other with food, clothes, utensils, and furniture. Kerala's chief minister's bank account was filled with funds from Keralians donating from different parts of the world. 

Yes, We survived. We faced the flood again in 2019. But we survived, again. These disasters made us more grateful for everything we have. Also, We realized whatever happens we are not alone, we are together. Kerala stands together.


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