Forgiveness means to me that when you are in a place where things are:
Where love is in place, you can put love on the person or the situation,
Situations, things, or any amount of love that you have for that person,
The pain of being in love with someone you can never be wrong.
Roses of virtue:
To receive that enlightenment,
To touch the hearts of women,
Near and far,
That needs the light of love and healing.
And to restore back to love and care and restoration in the life of women.
Holistically, peacefully, financially, stability, love, kindness, and emotionally every aspect of the word.
That we touch every heart, mind, spirit, and soul,
With art, music, joy, and every method.
We do and say:
With the love of the prime creator at the helm of everything,
We can do all things.
Author: Shawhara Banks