Summer Camp, 1936

A story by Jack Hearn



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At the age of 9, I was sent to a boy’s camp in Raymond, Maine. It was an exciting experience. As a younger brother I wore a lot of hand-me-downs from my 2 year older brother. This camp required a complete Camp Hawthorn wardrobe. That in itself was a great joy. The camp was in an idyllic spot on Panther Pond; very near Lake Sebago. Although not used to swimming in fresh water. I excelled in all the water activities and became eligible to go on canoe trips - especially some overnight ones. I still have a photo of my cabin mates of 80 years ago. The camp was run by two professors from a Brooklyn boys day school. I went to this school for my senior year and was happily surprised to find 3 of my former cabin mates in my class. It made the adjustment to a new school very easy as I was treated as one of the boys and not the new kid on the block.

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 1936,age 9,cabin,Camp Hawthorn,canoe,Lake Sebago,Panther Pond,Raymond Maine,swimming
  Raymond, Maine


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