Early morning pastoral scenes

2010 August 12 Baag Farm House at Settler's Crossing, near Fredericksburg Texas It was an early morning delight to sit in an old, white wicker rocker on the small, covered front porch! I knew that it would soon be a rather hot and humid day so I had better enjoy the early morning rather cool atmosphere. Small birds fluttered here and there to snatch the ripening grain on the profusely growing reeds. I could hear the sounds of way off cattle, accompanied by other farm livestock, which included a bunch of sheep already looking for potential shade to get through the day . Yesterday Sara and I arrived to later meet up with Brian Duhe' and Tricia Cedotal in another vehicle from Cedar Park. The lunch at Altdorf again was a Germanic delight. In addition to the stops to sample the presentations at various vineyards. I got the chance to obtain wild flower seeds, which I can hopefully plant around one side of our home next month. People told me that it is simply too hot to do it this month. We have to be back in Cedar Park late Thursday evening because of commitments that I have for early Friday morning. But today we are excited because now San Antonio resident, Ed Halligan and his Ann will join us as well. They are equally excited because Ann just retired from the Army as a Colonel in the Nurse Corps. Ann will have some few days to consider if she wants to take nursing positions in the civilian world. It is obvious that Ed would like her just to take trips to both rendezvous and other world wide excursions. She remarked that, "they are already calling to see if she will work for one person or another. But I guess that she might be pleased that her peer groups consider her a very important candidate. We will certainly remember such delightful days, and perhaps we might return when it is cooler weather in Fredericksburg in the winter.
August 12, 2010
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