The Sound of Music

This memory is from 9th grade. Since I am now 69 years of age, it was quite a few years ago. I can still picture myself in the situation, being transported by the music, feeling like my heart was going to burst open with the bigness of what I was experiencing. How I wish I could tell my music teacher, whose name has gone the way of so many memories into a deep hole of unknowing, that this experience made an indelible mark on me. First, let me say that the entire experience, a trip to Broadway in New York City was totally outside of all of my previous experiences in its exotic nature and out of the ordinariness. To that point in time, my only ‘adventures’ away from my home was our yearly trek to the CT beach where we rented a cottage for a week, our family vacation. So just going to New York was like going to a foreign country for me. I do not remember anything at all about that day except this one memory. We are seated in a balcony, high, high above the stage and only by standing at the railing can I see the actors below performing ‘The Sound of Music’. I am vibrating with the power of what I am hearing and seeing, how can it be possible for people to make this kind of beautiful music? I feel like I am ‘outside’ myself, that I am not in the normal world of day to day living with all of its routines and habits, fears and hopes and am instead in a world where only the action and music matter. I do not want it to stop. I have since been to a number of Broadway musicals and have enjoyed them enormously, some more than others of course. Never have I experienced that same set of sensations, at least to that same degree as I did that day when as a young woman, music opened a part of my spirit that had not been touched in that way previously.
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