Holiday Story Chip

Woolworth’s 5 & 10 Cent Store was a very big part of Christmas preparation in the mid-1930’s. It was located about 10 blocks from my family home, and I was permitted to walk there alone to shop. I remember entering the brightly decorated store clutching a little purse with 50 cents in it to choose gifts for my family. It wasn’t hard to find gifts for my mom, sister, aunt and grandma. There were powder puffs, perfume, pretty pin cushions, decorative pins and berets, snow globes, necklaces and fits-all ring. The problem was to find a gift for my dad. I scoured the aisles for something suitable. One year I bought him a pipe although he didn’t smoke. After I bought the gifts I still had enough money left over to buy myself a Tangee lipstick which I was allowed to wear because it was waxy with a very little orangey color. I was very happy walking home with my treasures!
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