
There are all kinds of reasons we select or even purchase a book. It may be a best seller, or because of a recommendation by a friend, or even an attractive book cover. At Pomperaug Woods there is a somewhat unique reason for making a selection. Every few months the Pomperaug library cleans out books that are rarely selected and are offered to anyone who wants them at no charge. The only restriction is that they cannot be returned to the library. Not too long ago I saw a pile of books being offered at no cost to anyone. Staring me in the face was The Best of Zane Grey. There were three complete novels in one cover, Riders of the Purple Sage, The Tall Driver and Rangers of the Lone Star. I recalled that way back, perhaps in my high school days, I used to read Zane Grey novels. I took it out. I decided I would not try to read them all at once. So, I just picked the first one, and then turned to other books to read. Then I selected the second novel, and again waited a few months before reading the third novel. I found that Zane Grey gave a great picture of the old West in the 1800s. After the third novel, I faced a dilemma. What should I do with the three novel book? Procrastination is a great resolver of minor problems. I just put the book on a crowded shelf and will decide what to do with it some day.

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