
A picture is worth a thousand words is a well-known saying. What does it really mean? A picture is a vivid image of something that you want to remember. It might be of a person, a place or a special object of interest. In the time of a blink of an eye, a camera can capture so much in black-and-white or in color. Many different interpretations can be given to any one photograph – so it is always wise to label pictures soon after you take them. The viewer should know what to look for. Today we have i-pads and i-phones that many people can use as cameras. They are used to take pictures to send to friends and relatives – to update them on interesting and important events. Pictures taken on an i-phone of a horrible tragedy are often shown on television. These pictures may be the only record of such events. People today are no longer satisfied with written or oral descriptions of events and happenings. They want pictures.
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