The Amazing Writer

The recent press has been raving about a new book which will hit the bookstores in days. Early copies have been sent to literary groups for their review. The word is Smash Hit. The book in question is entitled To Set A Watchman. The author is Harper Lee who is 89 years of age. Here is the story. In the latter 1950’s a young lady by the name of Harper Lee was living in a small town in Alabama. She was witnessing the racial unrest which brought about the civil liberty laws in the early sixties. Harper graduated from the University of Alabama. Otherwise we know very little about her life. She did dabble in writing and presented a draft of a story to a publisher. He would not publish the story, but encouraged her to continue writing. In 1959, Harper at the age of 33, presented her second draft. This time the publisher approved and published it in 1960. It was entitled To Kill A Mockingbird. The plot centers on a small town lawyer in Alabama who defends a black man falsely accused of raping a white woman. It was an immediate and huge success. Sales were beyond anyone’s imagination. Worldwide over 40 million copies were sold. The book also won a Pulitzer Prize. In 1962 this plot was made into a movie. It starred Gregory Peck. It appeared that Harper Lee, enjoying fame and fortune, retired to a very quiet life. She did not write any other story. But, alas! Things can change! Two years ago, 53 years since To Kill A Mockingbird, her attorney ran across the old draft of her first effort. He decided to present it to another publisher. My first paragraph of this write up tells the amazing story. Harper Lee, at 89 years of age, will attain her second fame and fortune.
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