Two Turkey Dinners

When I was growing up we always had Thanksgiving with my grandparents who lived next door. It was the traditional kind with turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, etc. Then I went to college - Denver University. D.U. always had a traditional football game with the University of Colorado on Thanksgiving - no dinner. We probably had a turkey dinner another day. The first November after my husband and i were married my husband was at M.I.T. in Boston. We decided to invite a couple of student friends to dinner. We had waited so long to make arrangements we had to drive miles to get a turkey - A LIVE TURKEY. The farmer had to kill the bird right there. Then we had to do the plucking, dressing, etc. BUT WE DID IT! I think it turned out OK. I don’t remember our apartment, or the kind of stove we had, or the dishes. But, our guests remained friends!!
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