Create Your Ideal Writing Routine
If you want to write your story but don’t know how to get started, create a writing routine. A routine is one of the easiest ways that you can increase your productivity and reach your goals. Some writers stick to very strict schedules, while some don’t use any. This post will cover different things that you might want to think about when you are creating a routine for yourself because it will look different for every writer.
Write every day
Get used to writing every day, even if it’s only 15 minutes. While 15 minutes doesn’t seem like much, if you devote all of it, every day, exclusively to writing, you'll get a lot more done than if you only do it when you feel like it. If you like a set routine, writing every day can help establish a strong writing habit. But if you have an unpredictable schedule or an unpredictable writing process, then you don’t have to write every day.
There is no set amount of time to write every day. How much you write per day depends on a number of things, such as your workflow, and your life in general. It also has to do with how much time you have to dedicate to writing. Before deciding how much to write:
Track your word count for about a week. Then determine the average number of words that you write in a day
Take note of how many days of that week you wrote. This can help you determine what your word output is when you are not thinking about it.
Find the right time and place to write
Try to find a quiet place to write every day to develop your creative process without any distractions. It's easier if you do it every day in the same place and at the same time because it will get you into that mental state necessary to write in a more spun form.
It's about creating a ritual, really. For example, having a cup of coffee first, and taking a relaxing shower can be effective methods before you start writing. A brain is a machine for making associations. If you can associate a particular ritual with the time of writing, everything will be easier.
Each of us is different, so find the environment and ritual that works best for you to facilitate this process. Some people are likely to be more efficient and productive if they write in a changing environment.
Separate the writing process into different phases
If you separate the writing process into different phases, everything will become simpler: jotting down ideas, writing, editing.
Start by writing down ideas that come to mind. When all these ideas are put down on paper, it will be easier to start writing. Once you start, just worry about writing, don't correct. Writing and editing are totally different processes.
When you sit down to write, make sure you're just writing, no matter if it doesn't make much sense at first or the text doesn't quite match up, you'll get time to revise it later. It is a question of maintaining this moment of writing and production at its maximum. However, you can read a bit of what you've written if you lose track, but don't waste time changing anything. Proofreading and revising is the final step in writing a good author.
Finally, focus on the process
After all, a good writer is one who loves the creative process and doesn't just focus on the result. You have to take advantage of each link in the chain, appreciate it as it is: with insecurity, impatience, inspiration, uncertainty, blockage because no idea comes up, or because it comes too soon, etc… The only thing that matters when it comes to writing is enjoying the process.
Good luck as you start writing your process!