Pat Broman Stories

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

I was in college when the war ended. Gradually, the men came back to resume their education, some as . . .

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Food Storage Before Plastic

Let’s see - way back then - in the 20’s and the 30’s, those dreary Depression years. What did . . .

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Hooray For the Red, White and Blue

We are all American citizens but many of us were born in other countries, and all of us can trace ou . . .

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Important Person In My Life

As we get older, our minds return to younger days and we have time to think about those people and p . . .

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Music And Memories

I love music - all kinds: early rock and roll of the 60s, classical music with thrilling symphonic m . . .

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On Aging

“I have arthritis” my mother said. “I need bed rest.” That was the cure for most of my mothe . . .

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Radio Cake

Our world was holding its breath in 1940. We were recuperating from the effects of the Depression an . . .

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Sunshine and Clouds – 10 Memorable Years

The decade of the [19]40’s was one of contrasts – laughter and sorrow – good and evil. It was . . .

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The Joy Of Books

This is my favorite topic - books! As a very young child I loved my books: indeed, all I ever wanted . . .

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Visits to New York During the Depression

When I was a little girl living in the New York suburbs, my favorite treat was going with my father . . .

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A New Life — After the War

It was 1944. My high school boy friend went off to be part of the occupation in Hokaido, an island o . . .

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A Night To Remember

It is 1944 in Sarasota, Florida and Sarasota High School is buzzing with plans for the Senior Prom. . . .

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