Lois Keating Learned Stories

Story With A Photograph – 1965

Near the end of my stay in Japan, one of the trustees asked me if I’d like to use his motor scoote . . .

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About 1943, my town got its first supermarket, the Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company, forever known a . . .

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Ad Campaigns

Most of us are aware of the ‘Energizer Bunny’ who hops across our TV screens, beating a drum to . . .

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Years ago, I imagined that, unlike the earth traveling around the sun in an ellipse, I’d think of . . .

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Books of Childhood

My town did not have a public library until the 1960s. Before that, it was assumed that everyone in . . .

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Brown vs Board of Education

Eons ago, when I was in college, I took a course on a dare. The course was “American Political Tho . . .

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Elementary School

Recently a friend and I had the chance to visit our home town and stop by our elementary school. It . . .

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Family Christmases

Early Christmas morning, we six children would get up, rush to the living room and the pile of beaut . . .

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A SUNDAY IN DECEMBER As the curtain descends on Act One. Bright lights illuminate the gloom in the . . .

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